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System Development

Mission critical systems often have a long history with many different add-ons and integrations. It is a consequence of the company's ever- changing requirements for system support, which in turn is necessary for the business to be as efficient as possible. New functionality is often introduced into existing applications or developed and integrated as a separate module. Both cases require new integrations within and between systems. This requires;


  • Communication with the organization is crucial for e.g. requirements management

  • System design that fits with the system architecture is essential

  • Technical skills for rapid and cost-effective system development


Calvia consultants have extensive experience in mission critical systems in logistics, material handling and production.


Our consultants are specialists in Microsoft tools and database, Oracle and Oracle APEX, a powerful and cost effective tool used for quickly develop completely web-based applications with support for mobile devices and powerful output data opportunities.



Sven Hultins Plats 5   

412 58 Göteborg

+46 (0) 31 68 78 80

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